The Bible society of Uganda Teso Branch received a donation of 10 bicycles that where handed over to the volunteers from American Bible Society. The team visited Teso region in April 2021 while they distributed Bibles in some of the Districts in Teso, they saw that people were thirsty for the word of God but how to access it was another big challenge. This motivated them to try to bring the service nearer to the people by facilitating transport, for at least one volunteer in each District who is expected to reach out to individuals within their areas who want to buy Bibles.
The Bicycle Bible distribution launch was held on 02/08/2021 at Akisim office. The launch was graced by Bishop Charles B Obaikol Ebitu, member boards of trustee and the Branch Executive Committee; the. The event was coupled with visitation of Soroti Main market vendors with the word of God. 200 copies of gospel of John and 2 Audio bibles were distributed to the market vendors freely. There was great joy among the vendors as they received the scriptures and they appreciated the Bible Society of Uganda for considering them.
I have had an opportunity to acquire a Bible, it is a qood experience to have one.
My children love bibles, is there a possibility of getting a donation of two bibles.