What a humbling priviledge to be counted among those working on the Acholi Bible revision!
The Acholi Bible revision is a process that is as meticulous as it is exciting and awe inspiring, not to mention transformational even for the most seasoned of Bible translators or reviewers.
During the reviewers workshop at the Acholi Branch in Gulu, experts in Acholi language and Church leaders from different denominations as well as professionsals participated in this most noble process for three days.
It was interesting to note the growth in the Acholi language orthography and how it makes the Bible reading and studying experience more fulfilling.
I mean it when I say that it has been a journey of not only self discovery but also spiritual discovery in the word of God. Our continued prayer is that those who will use this Bible, by the power of the Holy Spirit will be convicted to serve God with all their hearts and minister healing to their families and communities.
Reviewers testified of how the Acholi Bible has been a faithful steward and preserver of the local language and we pray that in our time and for generations to come, we shall maintain the same integrity of God’s Word in the local language.
In Matthew 4:4 Jesus asserts that “Man shall not live by Bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” What a joy to hear testimonies from Bible reviewers about how the Bible Review process has transformed their lives and Bible study routines while also improving their proficiency in the local language.
May this continue even to souls that are hungry for the Word of God and may they find fulfillment. God bless this work.
By Grace Orik Twikirize
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