As we come to the end of 2020, we may say ‘what a year this has been!’ with the outbreak of the COVID -19 pandemic, it has caused many tremendous effects worldwide. It is worth remembering that we are all alive by the grace of God! that apart, Christmas is here and for us at BSU believe in the truth that Christmas is love and action.

During this Sacred season, The Bible society of Uganda has traveled 567.83 km from Kampala to Moyo District Northern Uganda while passing through floods and bad road systems to celebrate Christmas with over 60 blind brethren of all ages. We gathered different denominational Church Leaders, political leaders and the people with visual impairment themselves to share a meal and Christmas packages to our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who are blind. It was love in action.

We thank our partners and both our local and international donors for making this possible. May the blessings you have extended to the People with Visual Impairment Project be multiplied and returned to you one hundred fold during this sacred season.

See Video on our Facebook Page